Wednesday, September 29, 2010

     "JUMP". This picture is of some of my friends joking around shooting hoops having fun. I told them to try and block each other. They both did great and I took the photo only a few seconds after she released the ball. It came out perfect. 
      I chose this picture because in class we were talking about how we need to take action photos ,and this is just a great in the moment picture. When I took the picture I was thinking of the NBA. How the two girls were like Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash.
      The composition of this photo is action photograph,worm's eye view, and rule of thirds. It is worm's eye view because if I were to be looking at the photo from a worm's view it would be like me looking at a sky scraper. It's also rule of thirds because if I were to draw three by three lines down the picture both Monica and Kat be in those lines.

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